• 辦學理念、願景、目標
  • 辦學特色
    1. 堅持非營利性格:


    2. 嚴守課程品質、著力甚深:


    3. 維持學術課程底限、自我鞭策:


    4. 建立責信制度、用心良苦:


    5. 創造多元學習機會、開闊眼界:


    6. 關心公共事務、不畏風雨:


    7. 投入社區服務、師生協力:


    8. 培植社區營造人才、深耕社區:


    9. 扮演社會重建的觸媒


    10. 打造終身學習社會、大家一起來:


  • 宜蘭縣人文薈萃、自然景觀優美,但長期以來,由於對外交通不發達,造成經濟發展處於弱勢,在教育資源方面也相對不足,宜蘭學子到外地求學的現象相當普遍。






    • Not only rich in cultural and human beauty, Yilan County boasts of its spectacular scenery as well. However, due to underdevelopment of its transportation system and economy, educational resources here have long been insufficient. Young Yilaners have been obliged to leave their home for studies.

      Before 1998 the higher education institutions in Yilan County were only the National Ilan Institute of Technology, Fo Guang University, the Fushing Institute of Technology, and the National Taiwan Ocean University (which leased classrooms from National Suao Marine & Fisheries Vocational High School). Each offered courses as extended education, giving Yilan residents many opportunities to continue learning. Despite the variety of subjects on offer, however, their combined enrollment capacity still did not meet demand by Yilan residents. Yilan residents needed their own university, with a curriculum designed exclusively to highlight local attributes and appeal to local tastes, and to impart the knowledge and competence that modern citizensideally possess.

      Because of the above-mentioned points and due to the encouragement and inspiration of a planned community university in Taipei, at the end of 1998, Yilan education reformists proposed a plan to establish Yilan Community University (YCU); and at the same time, they launched discussions with the Yilan County Government Education Bureau. On March 7, 1999, the Magistrate of Yilan County, the Yilan Education Bureau, and various civil organizations (the Youngsun Culture and Education Foundation and the Chilin Foundation) were invited to attend a national conference. The “Seminar on Implementing Higher Education in Local Areas: Embracing the New Era of Community University,” sponsored by the Ministry of Education and the Hsinchu City Government, brought local governments and civil organizations together all over Taiwan to hold an extensive discussion on establishing community universities. In August 1999, the Yilan County Government again convened a meeting during which local culture and education organizations discussed preparations for establishing a community university. On October 6, 1999, the Yilan Community University Education Foundation (YCUEF) was established and preparations began to found the Yilan Community University.

      With a mission to reform education, reconstruct the society, and cherish our fellow Yilaners, YCUEF began consolidating all the educational resources within Yilan County. After observing the operation of community universities in other counties, the YCUEF wrote the Funding Plan for Yilan Community University. The Yilan County Government reviewed and approved the plan and a grant was awarded to YCUEF to fund and operate Yilan Community University (YCU). The Yilan County Education Bureau and Yilan Fu-Shing Junior High School also extended helping hands; they offered manpower and classrooms so that we could have offices and space to teach in, sparing us any worries about the problems of financing a site. The Committee on Courses & Curricula was then organized to design our curriculum and to hire teachers. Finally, on April 10, 2000, YCU’s first semester began.

      While the new community university at Fu-shing Junior High, in Xibei (溪北), the northern part of Yilan County, offered new learning opportunities to Yilan residents, fellow Yilaners in Xinan(溪南), the southern part of Yilan County, also asked for fair access to educational resources and demanded that a community university be founded in Xinan as well. That strained the already tight annual budget. Thanks to the efforts of everyone during the second semester of the school year 2000, the Luodong Branch of Yilan Community University was founded inside of Dong Guang Junior High School, in Luodong Township. The new university opened for students in February of 2001. Yilan residents in Xinan were finally able to make their dream of community education come true.

      The Luodong Branch of Yilan Community University was renamed Luodong Community University (LCU) at the end of 2008. The main goals of LCU are to nurture local culture, care for public issues, advance gender education, and promote environmental education. The university aims to enhance civic competence by creating a new culture of civil society in Taiwan.

  • 在過去資源匱乏的年代,只有少數人能上大學,許多有心唸書向上的學生被排拒在大學門外,然而知識的學習,不應侷限在傳統大學的象牙塔裏,知識的學習必須平民化,大學的學習之門應該為各階層民眾永遠敞開。






    • In the past when resources were scarce, only a few people in Taiwan were able to go to university, and many students with educational aspirations were excluded from higher education. We believe that education should not be limited to the structural confines of a traditional university.

      People in Taiwan often find themselves holding and debating conflicting values. Our top priority is to find out how best to advocate for lifelong learning. The goal is to establish a new model of adult education that cultivates modern citizens, nurtures a civil society, and builds a new type of community with a new culture. The private sector’s promotion of community universities came about against the backdrop of new times and dynamic issues.

      The idea of establishing community universities originated in a 1994 initiative of Professor Huang Wuxiong, from the Department of Mathematics of National Taiwan University. In early 1998, non-governmental education reformers formed a community university preparatory committee to promote the establishment of adult community universities across the country. The idea received an overwhelmingly positive response from the public and strong support from various local governments. After the founding of the first community university, Wenshan Community College, Taipei City in 1998, community universities were established in various places all across Taiwan, leading to a new wave of adult higher education in Taiwan.

      Although local governments and community university organizers sometimes have differing visions, and although conflicting viewpoints sometimes breed disagreements, we believe that in the spirit of civil society, people with opposing views can find a way to compromise and cooperate. No matter how turbulent the process may be, the pioneering spirit of community universities should never be diluted or forgotten

      On June 26, 2002, President Chen Shui-Bian signed the Lifelong Learning Act to provide the legal basis for the establishment of community universities in Taiwan. We believe that a moderate contribution of each County or City Government’s human and material resources can produce bountiful chances for citizens to enjoy lifelong learning. Through community university’s leadership, student participation in public affairs leads to the implementation of education and social reform, and thus to a revitalization of Taiwanese society.

      On June 13, 2018, President Tsai Ing-Wen signed the Community College Development Act, officially granting a specific legal status to Taiwan’s community universities after their development overtwenty years. The Act directs central and local governments to work hand in hand in improving the conditions of community universities. This requirement endowed community universities with a clear definition and institutional protection, making possible the continued operation of community universities in Taiwan.

    • 為了豐富縣民的生活內容,提供社大師生更多自我成長與學習的機會,本校每學期都會辦理多場講座,講者均是不同領域的專家、學者,內容多元又富教育意味,講座同時開放給一般大眾參加。為了將豐富的演講內容與更多人分享,每學期講座都會進行文字整理,彙編成冊名為《心靈點滴》。 本校特別規定,學員每學期須至少參加一個場次,才能取得該學期選修課程之學分。

    • 本校長期與「台灣女性影像學會」合作,辦理「女性影展-宜蘭場」活動,影片的主題涵蓋多個面向,提供獨到人文藝術視野、引介多元性別思潮、促進社團網絡互動及建立女性影像資源等。



    • 本校結合燦景古建築研究工作室及社區大學孔明車隊共同辦理「Bike 宜蘭媽祖古廟‧騎求平安」,從2012年開始每年3月份辦理,由頭城慶元宮、宜蘭昭應宮、羅東震安宮、冬山定安宮、利澤簡永安宮、南方澳南天宮、海軍北方澳進安宮等七尊古廟媽祖,帶領著參加者如朝聖者般(Matsu Temple Pilgrim’s),騎著自行車遶境蘭陽平原。

      旅途中藉由造訪古廟、聚落、農田、水路、海濱,感受家鄉人文與自然的美好,於古廟駐足休憩時,以掌聲代替鞭炮,以雙手合十代替清香,一起為蘭陽平原這片土地與民眾祈福(Ride For Peace)。


      更多精彩內容請看: Bike宜蘭媽祖古廟.騎求平安fb粉絲專頁

    • 本校為了推動公民素養教育,促進社區大學師生關心公共事務,特別將「公民素養週論壇」視為一堂正課(第10週),要求講師、學員都要參加,講師當週不用準備課程,只要帶頭參加同時鼓勵學員踴躍參與即可。論壇同時開放給一般民眾參加。



    • 為了實踐社區大學深耕社區的精神,本校每年都會辦理「社大ㄟ地方任務」,將社區視為活動的主體,透過活動辦理,讓社大師生看見社區的特色與美好,同時以此撓動社區,提昇社區的團隊動能。

